Your Definitive Guide to Direct Lending Most private credit falls under the category of direct lending. This article explains what direct lending is, how it differs from other forms of private credit, and the benefits and risks to investors.
Understanding Term Sheets in Private Credit Term sheets act as the jumping off point for negotiations between borrowers and lenders. This article helps explain what's in term sheets, their purpose, and the standard terms involved in commercial lending transactions.
Your Guide to Understanding Portfolio Companies What are portfolio companies, and how do they play a role in every private credit investor's strategy and approach? This article explores the significance of focusing on portfolio companies within the private credit sector.
What Happens in a Private Credit Loan Default? Most investors in private credit are concerned about the prospect of a loan default, but few know the ins and outs of the default process. This article explores loan defaults, and clarifies what investors should expect in these scenarios.
Big Insurance is Investing in Private Credit Insurance is one of the largest industries on earth. And insurance companies are making long term investments into the private credit sector, which bodes well for the industry as a whole.
The Arc of a Covenant Breach What is a covenant breach, and what are the options for lenders to respond? This articles explores covenant breaches, and their interplay with the prospect of a borrower default.
Robo Advisors vs. Traditional Advisors: Which One Should You Choose? Robo advisors offer numerous benefits to the traditional RIA model. That said, there are some potential drawbacks as well. This articles compares and contrasts the two types of advisor relationships.